Tutorial for POPBiLL NTS Crawling

It is an example to implement SDK function ‘RequestJob’(To request a data crawling) using POPBiLL Java SDK.

  • SpringMVC
  • SpringBoot
  • JSP

1. Add POPBiLL SDK using Maven JDK v1.6Tomcat v7STS v3.6.4

① To add POPBiLL Java SDK, input the dependency information to file "pom.xml" and update Maven.


② Add a class of e-Tax invoice as bean of Spring. Update file "servlet-context.xml" referring codes below.

Must change values of LinkID and SecretKey with the API Key issued by POPBiLL.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans:beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/mvc"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/mvc http://www.springframework.org/schema/mvc/spring-mvc.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/util http://www.springframework.org/schema/util/spring-util.xsd">

    <!-- DispatcherServlet Context: defines this servlet's request-processing infrastructure -->
    <!-- Enables the Spring MVC @Controller programming model -->

    <!-- Handles HTTP GET requests for /resources/** by efficiently serving up static resources in the ${webappRoot}/resources directory -->
    <resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/resources/"/>

    <!-- Resolves views selected for rendering by @Controllers to .jsp resources in the /WEB-INF/views directory -->
    <beans:bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
        <beans:property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/views/"/>
        <beans:property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/>

    <context:component-scan base-package="com.popbill.example"/>

    <util:properties id="EXAMPLE_CONFIG">
        <!-- 링크아이디 -->
        <beans:prop key="LinkID">TESTER</beans:prop>
        <!-- 비밀키 -->
        <beans:prop key="SecretKey">SwWxqU+0TErBXy/9TVjIPEnI0VTUMMSQZtJf3Ed8q3I=</beans:prop>
        <!-- 연동환경 설정값 true(개발용), false(상업용) -->
        <beans:prop key="IsTest">true</beans:prop>
        <!-- 인증토큰 아이피 제한 기능 사용여부 권장(true) -->
        <beans:prop key="IsIPRestrictOnOff">true</beans:prop>
        <!-- 팝빌 API 서비스 고정 IP 사용여부, true-사용, false-미사용, 기본값(false) -->
        <beans:prop key="UseStaticIP">false</beans:prop>

        <!-- 홈택스 전자세금계산서 Service Implementation Bean registration.  -->
        <beans:bean id="htTaxinvoiceService" class="com.popbill.api.hometax.HTTaxinvoiceServiceImp">
            <beans:property name="linkID" value="#{EXAMPLE_CONFIG.LinkID}"/>
            <beans:property name="secretKey" value="#{EXAMPLE_CONFIG.SecretKey}"/>
            <beans:property name="test" value="#{EXAMPLE_CONFIG.IsTest}"/>
            <beans:property name="IPRestrictOnOff" value="#{EXAMPLE_CONFIG.IsIPRestrictOnOff}"/>
            <beans:property name="useStaticIP" value="#{EXAMPLE_CONFIG.UseStaticIP}"/>


2. Implement Function ‘RequestJob’

① Add @Autowired annotation and ‘requestJob’ code to create the object of service class bean.

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;

import com.popbill.api.HTTaxinvoiceService;
import com.popbill.api.PopbillException;
import com.popbill.api.hometax.QueryType;

public class HTTaxinvoiceExample {

    private HTTaxinvoiceService htTaxinvoiceService;

    @RequestMapping(value = "requestJob", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String requestJob(Model m) {

    	// 사업자번호
    	String corpNum = "1234567890";

        // 전자세금계산서 유형, SELL-매출, BUY-매입, TRUSTEE-수탁
        QueryType TIType = QueryType.SELL;

        // 일자유형, W-작성일자, I-발행일자, S-전송일자
        String DType = "S";

        // 시작일자, 날짜형식(yyyyMMdd)
        String SDate = "20220501";

        // 종료일자, 닐짜형식(yyyyMMdd)
        String EDate = "20220510";

        try {
            String jobID = htTaxinvoiceService.requestJob(corpNum, TIType,
                    DType, SDate, EDate);
            m.addAttribute("Result", jobID);

        } catch (PopbillException e) {
            // 예외 발생 시, e.getCode() 로 오류 코드를 확인하고, e.getMessage()로 오류 메시지를 확인합니다.
            System.out.println("오류 코드" + e.getCode());
            System.out.println("오류 메시지" + e.getMessage());

        return "response";

② Add a page(“src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/response.jsp") to output the result (code, message) of calling functions.

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
<%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"%>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <title>Popbill SDK Response</title>

    <p>작업아이디(JobID) : ${Result}</p>

③ Call web-browser to check the JobID returned.

팝빌 Java SDK SpringMVC 홈택스 전자세금계산서 Example

1. Add POPBiLL SDK CentOS 6.8Tomcat v7JDK v1.6

① Unzip the downloaded SDK example codes. [POPBiLL SDK Library - Java JSP Example]

② Copy 3 jar files below and Paste to library folder.

POPBiLL Java SDK jar

③ Create a file "$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/common.jsp" to configure e-Tax invoice service backgrounds. Then, update the authentication information, 'LinkID' and 'SecretKey'.

Must change values of 'LinkID' and 'SecretKey' with the API Key issued by POPBiLL.

<jsp:useBean id="htTaxinvoiceService" scope="application" class="com.popbill.api.hometax.HTTaxinvoiceServiceImp" />

<%-- 링크아이디 --%>
<jsp:setProperty name="htTaxinvoiceService" property="linkID" value="TESTER" />

<%-- 비밀키, 사용자 인증에 사용되는 정보이므로 유출에 주의 --%>
<jsp:setProperty name="htTaxinvoiceService" property="secretKey" value="SwWxqU+0TErBXy/9TVjIPEnI0VTUMMSQZtJf3Ed8q3I=" />

<%-- 연동환경 설정값, 개발용(true), 상업용(false) --%>
<jsp:setProperty name="htTaxinvoiceService" property="test" value="true" />

<%-- 인증토큰 발급 IP 제한 On/Off, ture -제한기능 사용(기본값-권장), false-제한기능 미사용 --%>
<jsp:setProperty name="htTaxinvoiceService" property="IPRestrictOnOff" value="true" />

<%-- 팝빌 API 서비스 고정 IP 사용여부, true-사용, false-미사용, 기본값(false) --%>
<jsp:setProperty name="htTaxinvoiceService" property="useStaticIP" value="false"/>

2. Implement Function ‘RequestJob’

① Create file “$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/requestJob.jsp” and Add codes like as below.

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <title>Popbill HTTaxinvoice Example</title>
<%@ include file="common.jsp" %>
<%@page import="com.popbill.api.hometax.QueryType" %>
<%@page import="com.popbill.api.PopbillException"%>
     * 전자세금계산서 매출/매입 내역 수집을 요청합니다
     * - 수집 요청후 반환받은 작업아이디(JobID)의 유효시간은 1시간 입니다.

    // 팝빌회원 사업자번호
    String testCorpNum = "1234567890";

    // SELL-매출 세금계산서, BUY-매입 세금계산서, TRUSTEE-위수탁 세금계산서
    QueryType TaxinvoiceType = QueryType.SELL;

    // 수집일자유형 유형, W-작성일자, I-발행일자, S-전송일자
    String DType = "S";

    // 시작일자, 날짜형식(yyyyMMdd)
    String SDate = "20220501";

    // 종료일자, 날짜형식(yyyyMMdd)
    String EDate = "20220510";

    String jobID = null;

    try {
        jobID = htTaxinvoiceService.requestJob(testCorpNum, TaxinvoiceType, DType, SDate, EDate);
    } catch (PopbillException pe) {
        //적절한 오류 처리를 합니다. pe.getCode() 로 오류코드를 확인하고, pe.getMessage()로 관련 오류메시지를 확인합니다.
        System.out.println("오류코드 " + pe.getCode());
        System.out.println("오류메시지 " + pe.getMessage());
        throw pe;
            <legend>홈택스 전자세금계산서 수집 요청</legend>
                <li>jobID (작업아이디) :<%=jobID%></li>

② Call web-browser to check the JobID returned.

팝빌 Java JSP SDK 홈택스 전자세금계산서 조회 Example

1. Add Popbill SpringBoot Starter using Gradle 팝빌 Java SDK SpringBoot Example

① Add dependency information to file "build.gradle" of SpringBoot project and Refresh..

※ POPBiLL SpringBoot Starter supports to SpringBoot version 1.0 and later and POPBiLL Java SDK AutoConfiguration.

dependencies {
        implementation 'kr.co.linkhub:popbill-spring-boot-starter:1.4.0'

② Add the code below to file “appllication.yml” for setup SDK configuration.

Must change values of ‘LinkID’ and ‘SecretKey’ with the API Key issued by POPBiLL.

      linkId: TESTER
      secretKey: SwWxqU+0TErBXy/9TVjIPEnI0VTUMMSQZtJf3Ed8q3I=
      #연동환경 설정값 true(개발용), false(상업용)
      isTest: true
      #인증토큰 아이피 제한 기능 사용여부 true(사용-권장), false(미사용)
      isIpRestrictOnOff: true
      #팝빌 API 서비스 고정 IP 사용여부 true(사용), false(미사용)
      useStaticIp: false
      #로컬시스템 시간 사용여부 true(사용-권장), false(미사용)
      useLocalTimeYn: true

2. 홈택스 전자세금계산서 수집 요청(RequestJob) 기능 구현

① @Autowired 어노테이션을 이용하여 생성된 서비스 클래스 빈 객체를 주입 받은 후 requestJob 함수 코드를 추가합니다.

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
    import org.springframework.ui.Model;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;

    import com.popbill.api.HTTaxinvoiceService;
    import com.popbill.api.PopbillException;
    import com.popbill.api.hometax.QueryType;

    public class HTTaxinvoiceServiceController {

        private HTTaxinvoiceService htTaxinvoiceService;

        @RequestMapping(value = "requestJob", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public String requestJob(Model m) {

            // 사업자번호
            String corpNum = "1234567890";

            // 전자세금계산서 유형, SELL-매출, BUY-매입, TRUSTEE-수탁
            QueryType TIType = QueryType.SELL;

            // 일자유형, W-작성일자, I-발행일자, S-전송일자
            String DType = "S";

            // 시작일자, 날짜형식(yyyyMMdd)
            String SDate = "20220101";

            // 종료일자, 닐짜형식(yyyyMMdd)
            String EDate = "20220130";

            try {
                String jobID = htTaxinvoiceService.requestJob(corpNum, TIType,
                    DType, SDate, EDate);
                    m.addAttribute("Result", jobID);

            } catch (PopbillException e) {
                // 예외 발생 시, e.getCode() 로 오류 코드를 확인하고, e.getMessage()로 오류 메시지를 확인합니다.
                System.out.println("오류 코드" + e.getCode());
                System.out.println("오류 메시지" + e.getMessage());

            return "response";

② 함수 호출결과 코드와 메시지를 매핑하는 "src/main/resources/templates/response.html" 페이지를 추가합니다.

<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org"">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
        <title>Popbill SDK Response</title>

          <li>작업아이디(JobID) : <span th:text="${Result}"></span></li>

③ 웹브라우저 페이지를 호출하여 함수호출 결과로 반환되는 작업아이디(JobID)를 확인합니다.

팝빌 Java SDK SpringBoot 홈택스 전자세금계산서 Example

Business Contact

For more help with POPBiLL, try these resources :

T. +82 70-7998-7117E. global@linkhubcorp.com

Inquiry about service