How to issue

Seller fills out required values of cashbill and issues it. At the same time, a notification mail is sent to customer(buyer). Issued e-Cashbill is going to be filed to NTS in accordance with NTS filing policy.

POPbiLL e-Cashbill

Flow chart

Seller saves the information of cashbill and issues it calling SDK's function 'RegistIssue'. To cancel issued e-Cashbill is available only before filing starts and to issue a cashbill for revocation is required to cancel or modify after filing starts.

POPbiLL e-Cashbill Issue Process

Identification numbering system

Identification numbering system is designed for management of e-Cashbill. First, the user configures ‘Cashbill ID’(mgtKey) and sends cashbill data with it to POPBiLL. Then, POPBiLL assigns 'POPBiLL Cashbill ID(itemKey)' matching with seller’s. When the e-Cashbill is issued, POPBiLL do assigns 'NTS Confirm Number'(ntsCofrimNum) to file to NTS and it is used for confirmation in HomeTax(NTS website).

Type Variable Name Length Description
User Cashbill ID mgtKey 24 A unique value combined English letter,
numeric, hyphen(‘-’) and underbar(‘_’)
POPBiLL NTS confirm
confirmNum 24 It's assigned at the time when issuance is
completed, not filing is completed
Identification numbering system

Business Contact

For more help with POPBiLL, try these resources :

T. +82 70-7998-7117E.

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