Bulk Issuance

The process of bulk issuance handles maximum 100 cashbills' issuance with a single request. As optimized for bulk requests and responses, user can improve the network overhead and transaction delay of single API. All processes are the same with single API, only except receipt for issuance and filing result can be checked by Webhook or API(Polling).

POPBiLL 대량발행 성능비교

  • Webhook
  • API (Polling)


① Receipt of bulk issuance

ㆍ Request a receipt of bulk issuance to assign a submission ID(Variable: SubmitID) to each receipt, [Reference] BulkSubmit API

ㆍ Submission ID must be unique and combined of English letter, numeric, hyphen('-') and underbar('_'). And it can’t be reused.

② Receive Webhook Event message

ㆍ Receive an event message to callback URL and Update the status of bulk issuance and NTS filing result with the message.

ㆍ Each process can be identified by ‘eventType’ of Webhook message.

ㆍ "BULKRESULT" : result code for bulk issuance ~ Succeed or Error code ~ and NTS confirm number

ㆍ "NTS" : status code for NTS filing result ~ 304(Succeed) or 305(Failed)

POPBiLL 대량 발행 프로세스 흐름도 Webhook 버전


① Receipt of bulk issuance

ㆍ Request a receipt of bulk issuance to assign a submission ID(Variable: SubmitID) to each receipt, [Reference] BulkSubmit API

ㆍ Submission ID must be unique and combined of English letter, numeric, hyphen('-') and underbar('_'). And it can’t be reused.

② Check the issuance result

ㆍ Check the issuance result, calling ‘GetBulkResult’ API, [Reference] GetBulkResult API

ㆍ Submission status is ‘Submitted’(txState=0) or 'In processing'(txState=1), need to keep calling with 2~5 sec interval until the status changes to 'Completed'(txState=2).

ㆍ When the status becomes ‘Completed’(txState=2), issuance result can be checked by List 'issueResult'

③ Check the filing result

ㆍ Check the filing result, [Reference] GetInfos API

ㆍ 304(Succeed) or 305(Failed) is returned as a response

ㆍ Filing of e-Cashbill issued from 0:00 to 24:00 of the day starts at MIDNIGHT automatically and the filing result is updated 11:00AM next day of the issuance date

POPBiLL 대량 발행 프로세스 흐름도 API 버전

Identification Numbering System

Type Variable Name Length Description
User Submission ID submitID 36 A unique value combined English letter,
numeric, hyphen(‘-’) and underbar(‘_’)
- To identify submission of bulk issuance
Seller Invoice ID invoicerMgtKey 24 A unique value combined English letter,
numeric, hyphen(‘-’) and underbar(‘_’)
POPBiLL Receipt ID receiptID 36 It's assigned at the time when receipt is completed
NTS Confirm Number ntsConfirmNum 24 It's assigned at the time when issuance is completed,
not filing is completed

Business Contact

For more help with POPBiLL, try these resources :

T. +82 70-7998-7117E. global@linkhubcorp.com

Inquiry about service